
Welcome to Yoga Teachers Forum,

"I love training with Yoga Teachers' Forum as the trainings are so well organised. The leaders are very good at holding space and managing time, and there is always a realistic amount of content, with lots of time for sharing and practice. The trainings are also great value for money."

Kate Coulson

We invite you to join us as you continue your yoga teaching journey. This yoga community welcomes you wherever you have trained. We encourage you to join us for training and business support and intend for our trainings to be open to all teachers including those who are facing financial hardship.*

Yoga teachers from across the yoga community provide CPD/CET (Continued Professional Development/Continued Education Training) and professional training with us. All of our teachers have chosen to teach yoga because we have a passion to share practices that have offered us and our communities the support we have needed in challenging times. You will receive a certificate of attendance for all of our trainings and although there is no governing body of yoga our training is recognised by the majority of accrediting bodies that require continued education.  It is our intention to create a yoga family so that all teachers feel nurtured as we continue on our yoga journey to bring this transformative practice to our students.

You can train with us in person, live online and via recorded training.

Come and join us.

* Contact us at info@yogateachersforum.org if you are facing financial hardship & would like to attend any of our events & trainings


Creating Trauma Informed Yoga Nidra

Date: Wednesday 17 July Time:  0930-1030 BST (UK Time) 

Book your place....