Yoga and Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth

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Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth

Teacher Training For Yoga Teachers & Birth Professionals

Book Now:

1000 hours CPD

6 May - 26 June 2022

Venue: Zoom

Early Bird £795 Book Before 31st March 2022 (full price £995)

USE DISCOUNT CODE YTF to get 10% discount off early bird price.

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4 Month Payment Plan: £180 per month - additional discount applied (book by 31st March)

Yoga Alliance Professionals & FEDANT Accredited.

Module/Weekend 1 One

Fri 6 May 11-1730 BST

Sat 7 May 1100-1730 BST

Sun 8 May 1230-1730 BST

Then the following 6 Saturdays

Sat 14, 21, 28 May, 4, 11, 18 June

0900-1300 BST

Fri 24 June 1100-1730 BST

Sat 25 June 1230-1800 BST

Sun 3 July 1200-1730 BST

Graduation Ceremony

Sat 9 July 0900 BST

This course is fully certified by Federation of Antenatal Educators (FEDANT)and Yoga Alliance Professionals UK.(YAP)

Early Bird: £795

Payment plans and financial hardship discounts available by contacting

Feedback from Nadia's Pregnancy Teacher Training..

“I learned so much from Nadia and especially enjoyed the chakras/sounding session and the birth dancing”.

“This course came at a wonderful time for me (I was halfway through my second trimester when starting it) and not only has it made me feel healthy and energised in my pregnancy, it's made me feel empowered about my labour and what comes next. Even though I was the only pregnant person in our group, I felt a real connection to the other women, too...and its a testament to the teachers that they could bring the world of pregnancy – what to expect, mentally, emotionally and physically, alive to us all.” ES

Contact for financial hardship discounts and payment plans.

This course is open to all yoga teachers with who are training in or would like to train in:

  • pregnancy yoga
  • if you are currently a perinatal yoga teacher and would like to expand your learning**
  • doulas
  • midwives
  • professionals working with pregnant women and their partners.

Policies & Procedures For the full course policies and terms & conditions please click here.

Lasting two months and comprising over 100 hours this training course is led by Senior Registered Teacher, Birth Doula and Perinatal Specialist Nadia Raafat together with a faculty of three additional highly qualified visiting teachers and birth professionals.

Explore all aspects of the pregnancy and birth experience from the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, and how it affects yoga practice, to how to use free movement and positioning during labour to encourage foetal descent and which postures and pranayama to practice during pregnancy to prepare for the second stage.

During the course you will experience many different approaches to pregnancy yoga and movement with Nadia including:

  • Ball Yoga
  • Chakra yoga,
  • Yin yoga
  • Birth dance ensure your classes are interesting, vibrant and enable your participants to experience the joy of being deeply connected with their own inner flow.

This training is open to you if you are looking to begin your perinatal yoga teaching journey.

Mindfulness Training led by psychotherapist, Cllr and Mindfulness facilitator Belinda Freeman is a key feature of this course with great emphasis on practice. As part of the learning, you will be taught about the architecture of the mind, inner preparations for childbirth, how to use the breath and the body as a place of insight and how to use mindfulness to work with difficult emotions including fear and the the experience of pain.

The course offers a strong focus on anatomy and physiology with our visiting lecturers’ osteopath and women’s health specialist Laura Tilson, midwife Joy Horner and Nadia’s commitment to promoting and encouraging holistic pelvic health. All theoretical knowledge will be explored practically on the mat and in the class context with Nadia.

Why Train with Us:

Our certification is unique. It is the only recognised dual Yoga and Mindfulness training programme for Pregnancy, enabling you to qualify and offer both Pregnancy Yoga classes and Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth classes.

  • You will undertake a full 9-week Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Training programme with our experienced mindfulness teachers and learn how to incorporate Mindfulness into your pregnancy yoga teaching.
  • You will be certified with the Yoga Alliance Professionals (UK) and also the Federation of Antenatal Educators (FEDANT).
  • We are offering ALL participants a one year graduate support and mentoring programme as part of the course ensuring we have your back as you establish your pregnancy teaching career:
  • At 100 hours, our training course is more extensive than most and exclusively dedicated to pregnancy and birth ensuring that you are fully trained and prepared to teach yoga and mindfulness with confidence, passion and effectiveness to your pregnancy community.
  • You will go on a personal journey of your own, allowing you to dive deeply into the role of teacher, and supporting you so that you can expand beyond any personal limitations to become the best guide and teacher you can possibly be.
  • You will receive training in setting up your pregnancy and birth business post-graduation at no extra cost. It’s all included in the course fee.
  • Your written and audio-visual coursework is individually read and marked. We then provide you with personalised feedback to help you towards achieving your goals

Once you have registered you will be sent enrolment details.

Nadia’s passion and knowledge is totally inspiring. She has a really good way of holding space — . Her presence is really warm yet also professional ensuring everyone felt included and held. Nadia was really clear in her approach and fantastic at laying out each session at the start of the day so we knew exactly where we were heading. The sessions always felt really well organised yet not too rigid and a fantastic mix of Nadia teaching and group discussions etc.”

“This is so much more than just a training for yoga teachers - so much love and time has been put into it and Nadia and the teams knowledge and passion just shone through. Every woman would benefit from doing this training! I felt held and supported and I’m stepping out of this training feeling confident and excited to share what I’ve learnt “KK

If you have any questions about the training please email:


About the facilitator

Nadia Raafat teaches Hatha Yoga, Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga, Postnatal and Mindful Birth Preparation. She has been teaching in London for eleven years. She also practices as a Birth Doula.

Nadia runs regular classes, courses and workshops, and has created a Yoga and Mindfulness for Pregnancy DVD.

Whether guiding a Hatha Yoga Class, a Pregnancy Class or a Mindful Birthing Course, Nadia’s intention is to cultivate presence and self-awareness in the practitioner. Her teaching approach is mindful with an emphasis placed on establishing and maintaining an embodied awareness and receptivity throughout.

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