Supporting Mental Health in Pregnancy & Postpartum

Mental health workshop FB

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Date: Mon 12 June  Time: 0930-1200 BST (UK Time)

Cost: £50

" are such a mine of information, thank you so much for sharing your expertise"

"Brilliant tips" "I am loving all your knowledge"

Course Outline: 

The perinatal period from conception to postpartum can be a rollercoaster.  This 2.5 hour workshop will focus on practical techniques that you can weave into your group pregnancy and postnatal classes or use in 121s.  Whether someone is struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, hypervigilance or has been diagnosed with a specific condition, Tessa will share techniques that support the nervous system.
Some part of our biology pre-date human language and don't respond to thought-based therapies.  For those of your clients who are using Talking Therapies the tools in this workshop will add another layer of support.  As well as the practical aspects, the workshop will also look at where to signpost people who require further support.
You will learn:
  • how to use invitational rather than command language
  • which breathing techniques may or may not be appropriate to teach
  • how to use bilateral stimulation to switch off flight and fight
  • havening and other techniques for soothing
  • vagus nerve exercises and rhymical movements for down-regulation
  • techniques that could to establish a place of safety in the body
  • ways of share psychoeducation with clients
  • what to do if in the rare situation that someone experiences a flashback, panic attack or is triggered
  • how to co-create a 121 session with a client to promote agency
Recordings will be available, but it is recommended to attend live if possible.
Tessa specialises in Yoga for Birth Trauma and Anxiety.  See more about her at

**At the end of the training, you will receive Certificate of Attendance from Yoga Teachers Forum.  Tessa is a FEDANT Approved trainers.

Feedback from attendees of Tessa's Trainings:

“Thank you very much for yesterday’s course. It was very interesting and helpful for my teaching. I found the content and your delivery was just right and the ability to interact over zoom was done so well. Thank you. 

I spent about an hour telling everything from the workshop to my husband. That is always a good sign, to want to share everything!” Ruth Barber., Attendee, Birth Trauma Workshop

"I really enjoyed this workshop.... I liked Tessa's examples ...Tessa guided some great visualisations ....I left feeling resourced and inspired with plenty of new material to explore in classes." Amba Cooper- The Pelvis in Pregnancy

"I did enjoy it, very much.  Many thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge, and for providing a stimulating forum for discussion." Una Bentley - Biomechanics of Birt

To see the extensive range of pre & postnatal CPDs we have designed to give you practical tools that can further develop your teaching practice, please click here.

Policies & Procedures For the full course policies and terms & conditions please click here.

* you are required to have insurance to cover you for teaching postnatal classes with babies - please check with your insurance provider to ensure that you are covered.



Tessa Sanderson

About the facilitator - Tessa Sanderson:

Tessa has taught Pregnancy Yoga for 15 years and has 12,000+ teaching hours under her belt, including Well Woman and Mother & Baby Yoga, Restorative and Birth Preparation workshops.  She has taught yoga in four diverse cities: London, Southampton, Bristol and Reading. She is the author of Pearls of Birth Wisdom: An Inner Journey with Stories, Insights and Practices.
Tessa is a member of her local Maternity Voices Forum at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and runs the Everything Baby Berkshire network for antenatal and postnatal professionals.  She has a PhD in Medical Sociology and loves using balloons as props in her pregnancy classes.  IG@tessa.venuti.sanderson and @birth_wisdom_pearls