PeriMenopause Yoga & Menstrual Cycle Therapeutics

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Perimenopause & Menstrual Cycle Therapeutics

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Each module will be released on a weekly basis as follows

Module 1 - Inner Spring

Module 2 - Inner Summer

Module 3 - Inner Autumn

Module 4 - Inner Winter

Module 5 - Perimenopause

Module 6 - Perimenopause II

All modules will be available for 1 year following the completion of the training.

Jane & Julia will be available throughout the course to answer your questions on the online platform.

Cost:  £95 Full Price - 25+ hours CPD

This online pre-recorded training has the benefit of you being able to access at a time that fits in with your schedule.

"...the 6 week perimenopause course gives great insight mentally, physically and spiritually to the feminine shakti essence of self. I would recommend the supportive teachings of Jane and Julia to all women."

Heidi Lawton, Attendee 6 Week Perimenopause Training

"So recommend the ...workshops, they are so interesting, therapeutic and fun at the same time. They have been a real eye opener an full of positive guidance. Julia an Jane make you feel really at home in a safe space to be open an learn. Thankyou!."

S.E. Attendee trainings with Jane & Julia

"Thank you both so much what a great afternoon's learning. I have been teaching Well Woman Yoga for a couple of years now but to actually be a participant was really very powerful. I felt a deep connection. The training has also helped focus on some good practices to share with my students. Thanks you very much, I will be signing up for the next one in January."

Angela Houghton, Yoga Teacher



Course Outline:

If you would love to use yoga as a tool to the change from regular cycles to perimenopause this introductory course will give you a tool set to prepare your clients for the journey to menopause.  This training is a great preparation for the live 6 week perimenopause training and can also be taken as a stand alone programme.  Many women enter menopause totally unprepared - this training course is designed so that you can help smooth the transition and recognised perimenopause as one of the primary rites of passage.

Module 1:  In this module you will:

  • Discover the workings of the menstrual cycle and how yoga can be used as an integrated practice to support the entire cycle 
  • Connect to the inner spring and the experience of menarche (a girl's first bleed)
  • Understand how to look after our bodies in the practice
  • Hasta mudra (hand mudra) practice for spring
  • Working with the breath
  • Mediation and relaxation practices for inner spring
  • Somatic yoga practices for spring
  • Concepts you can share with your students to use "off the mat"
  • A 90 min and 45 minute yoga practice connecting to the inner spring

Module 2: In this module you will

  • Recognise the summer of the menstrual cycle and the place of ovulation
  • Address challenges associated with ovulation and the idea of beauty
  • Understand the challenges of overstimulation during inner summer
  • How contraception fits into the picture
  • Ovulation self care tools
  • Connecting to the full moon in inner summer
  • Discover a somatic experience of pleasure in inner summer
  • Learn how the fluctuations of the menstrual cycle and tracking can help women who are looking to re-establish a more regular menstrual cycle and who are facing stress in connection to their cycle

Module 3: In this module you will

  • Understand the role of progesterone in the menstrual cycle
  • Learn management tools for the challenges of the pre-menstrual phase
  • Discover the importance of personal connection and support for the autumn phase of the menstrual cycle
  • Investigate the concept of the wild woman and the connection between inner autumn and perimenopause
  • Discover somatic practices to support perimenopause
  • Practices to help prevent period pain in inner winter

Module 4: In this module you will

  • Discover the workings of the bleed time of the cycle
  • Understand what practices would be recommended to avoid at this time in the cycle
  • Endometriosis and inner winter
  • Restorative practices and somatic movement for inner winter
  • Eco-friendly periods
  • Embodied Yoga Principles for inner winter
  • Alternative winter practices to restorative yoga and yin

Module 5: Perimenopause

Part 1:This module will give you:

  • a felt experience of the cycles of life from menarche to post menopause
  • confidence to use the vocabulary of the body and perimenopause with your students
  • confidence to share practices to that support the physical changes that occur during perimenopause
  • access to skills that will prepare you to support your students through the emotional challenges of perimenopause
  • access to joyful and empowering practices that can be enjoyed from perimenopause through to second spring
Part 2: In this module you will learn:
  • How yoga can be used to reclaim those parts of the female body that have been shamed and or objectified
  • The elements: fire, water, earth, air as a focus of perimenopausal power
  • The use of language: trauma informed yoga for perimenopause
  • Yoga and tantra practices for breast health and vitality
  • Yoga nidra practices to enhance a positive relationship with the breasts, womb space, vagina & vulva
  • Practices to create pleasure & playfulness as a resources
  • Practices to cultivate a strong self, clarity & direction for the perimenopausal woman

CPD Hours: 25

CE Hours: 25

Both Julia Davis & Jane Dancey have significant experience and you can use this training for Yoga Alliance CE & British Wheel of Yoga CPD.

This training is suitable for all qualified yoga teachers and is based on Jane and Julia's experience of working with the physical, emotional, spiritual & social changes of perimenopause within the context of yoga.



Julia Davis
Jane Dancey

About the facilitators

Julia Davis is a yoga teacher and mentor. Her area of expertise is women’s health - specifically supporting women through menarche - as tweens and teens, fertility, menstrual issues, peri-menopause, menopause and post menopause. She trains yoga teachers so they can safely care for women in their classes and feel comfortable with using appropriate anatomy terms while teaching. Her trainings and classes are open to all. She is also a yoga & menstruality mentor and works with yoga teachers to help them to realise their professional dreams through following their hearts path in a practical and professional way.  Her work is informed by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer's RED SCHOOL & Uma Dinsmore Tuli's Yoni Shakti as well as many other influences from the world of embodiment, yoga & tantra.

Julia is the Founder of Yoga Teachers Forum and is passionate about bringing yoga teachers together to learn, share and support each other. She is an advocate of “listening partnerships” and has found the partnership she has very supportive in her own journey as a mother and sole practitioner.

She teaches in person and online classes at

You can contact Julia about training and mentoring opportunities at


Jane Dancey Embodiment Coach, somatic yoga teacher, Rites of Passage facilitator and mum to one teen girl. Supporting women through all stages of life from puberty to menopause and beyond. 

Jane runs The Embodied Female Pelvis Course where she supports women of all ages to cultivate health, vitality and reconnection to this powerful part of themselves. 

She offers workshops, courses and one2one sessions around pleasure, power, purpose and sexuality, coming from a gentle and trauma-informed perspective, using embodied and somatic movement, breathwork and visualization. 

She has 15 years experience of facilitation and yoga teaching.